Works Discography

Erkki Melartin (1875-1937)

Equally renowned as a composer and as a conductor, Melartin was responsible in the early decades of this century for introducing Finnish audiences to the music of Mahler, Strauss, and other moderns. His own music - crowned by the six symphonies - reveals his complete familiarity with the late Romantic style, while maintaining a richly individual voice.

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600 Hyvyyden voiman ihmeelliseen suojaan
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 60
Juhlamarssi näytelmästä Prinsessa Ruusunen (Festive March)
Kerjäläislapsen kehtolaulu (Lullaby for a Beggar Boy)
Kristuslapsen kehtolaulu (The Christchild's Lullaby)
Lapin joulu
Legends, Op. 98
Marian kehtolaulu
Marjatta, Op. 79 for soprano and orchestra
Minä metsän polkuja kuljen (Along forest paths I wander)
Mirjamin laulu I (Miriam's Song I)
Mirjamin laulu II (Miriam's Song II)
Noli me tangere, Op. 87
Piano Sonata No. 1, Op. 111 "Fantasia Apocaliptica"
Prinsessa Ruusunen (Sleeping Beauty Suite), Op. 22
Sade (Rain), from Surullinen puutarha (The Melancholy Garden), Op. 52 (1908)
Sirkan häämatka (The Grasshopper's Honeymoon)
String Trio, Op. 133
Suite lyrique No. 3 "Impressions de Belgique"
Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Op. 30/1 (1902)
Symphony No. 2 (1904)
Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op. 40 (1907)
Symphony No. 4, Op. 80 "Summer Symphony" (1912)
Symphony No. 5, Op. 90 "Sinfonia Brevis" (1916)
Symphony No. 6, Op. 100 (1925)
Music from the ballet The Blue Pearl, Op. 160
The Melancholy Garden, Op. 52
Three Pieces for Piano, Op. 8
Traumgesicht, Op. 70
full discography

Discography (extract)

Leif Segerstam 80 Years

(Digital Album)

Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra

Turku Philharmonic Orchestra

Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra

Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra

ODE 1470-2

Released 05/2024

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Finland 100

A Century of Finnish Classics

5 CD collection celebrating 100 years of Finland's independence

Orchestral Works I & II


Vocal Works

Chamber Music

Various Finnish artist, orchestras and conductors

ODE 1300-2Q


Released 11/2016

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Erkki Melartin

Traumsgesicht, Op. 70

Marjatta for soprano and orchestra, Op. 79

Music from the ballet The Blue Pearl, Op. 160

Soile Isokoski, soprano

Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra

Hannu Lintu, conductor

ODE 1283-2

Released 06/2016

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Chrismas Carols

Soile Isokoski
Lapland Chamber Orchestra
John Storgårds, conductor
ODE 1252-2

Released 10/2014

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